Mothers on Ministry Mission for Yeshua (MOMMY) is a registerd women’s charity organisation that focuses on helping women and children in need. Despite our name and Faith we are an inclusive organisation and amazingly have a number of men supporting and joining us.

heart is the love of GOD and this is what our partners and us have in common,  the love GOD. And through love we build relationships in a respectful and loving manner, the love we believe in doesn’t discriminate but embraces everyone no matter the background, Faith, colour or gender. This is the goal that we actively pursue through prayer, programmes, and building community relationships.
Our partners and ambassadors are not all mothers, or all women. Single, parents, married, grandparents and  young adults make Mommy.
The driving force behind what we do is PRAYER. At the heart of mommy prayer is key, our partners and ambassadors come together and pray everyday and study the word of GOD together.
We believe that in all we do we can only be sustained by the power of prayer and Gods word.

We identity community needs at local level and  form programmes/projects to tackle these.  The work of all our partners /ambassadors and volunteers is supported and nurtured by professional workers within the team or sourced outside. Our projects are necessarily diverse so that we can cater to all the different needs of the communities. However,  all projects are strongly centred on the core values of the organisation  women and children, promoting Christian fellowship through prayer gathering, and bringing families together in love.How can I really make a difference? (Pads and wells)

What and where is the need?
 Across many villages,  towns and even cities across Zimbabwe and the world at large.
Why is it a  pressing need NOW? By supplying pads to girls and women, we can help them continue with school without shame or fear, building their confidence and good mental health.

By drilling a borehole,  we can save lives and even reduce the risk of women and girls being raped walking to and from the long distances fetching water. The well will benefit not only the community centre but all the villagers in surrounding  areas will have to joy of clean and fresh water and safe from walking too far.

If we don’t do this now (Pads and well) Many young girls will still be missing school during that time of the month and making then lag behind and that will also cause many mental health issues,  e.g. confidence loss, etc
Without the borehole, women and girls remain  at risk, children losing their childhood and school time because they have to be fetching the life saving commodity,  water.

Many in the first world take clean and fresh water for granted, yet for many across Africa it is a luxury. Please won’t you consider partnering with us and help fight (period poverty) (and make clean and fresh water free and available to everyone)

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Save a life. Help the Girl child, Feed a family.
Your donation can do so much - please give today

Our Projects

Make a difference and change a life for good – help us providing them their basics! ​